SafeOpt Class Action Lawsuit for Illegal Tracking

On April 24, 2023, Stueve Siegel Hanson filed a class action lawsuit against AddShoppers and two California retailers, Peet’s Coffee and Every Man Jack, for illegal website tracking.

The lawsuit alleges that AddShoppers runs a marketing enterprise called SafeOpt that illicitly tracks individuals across the internet, collects their personal information, and then uses that information to send direct solicitations without the user’s consent. Through the SafeOpt program, retailers are sending targeted advertisements to individuals even if they never provided their email address or other personal information to the retailer.

The lawsuit asserts claims against the companies for violations of California’s Invasion of Privacy Act, Computer Access and Data Fraud Act, and Unfair Competition Law, among other claims. It is pending before the Honorable Vince Chhabria in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

If you received an unsolicited email from a retailer that was sent “via SafeOpt” and want to consider joining the lawsuit, please contact attorney Kasey Youngentob at 816-714-7130 or fill out a contact us form below for a free and confidential case evaluation.

SafeOpt AddShoppers Program Privacy Violation Lawsuit Investigation

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