Patrick Stueve Appointed to Lead Multidistrict Litigation Against Syngenta


A U.S. District Judge certifies Syngenta Corn Case as a class action, September 26, 2016. Stueve Siegel Hanson is representing corn farmers against Syngenta, a large seed company, for losses as a result of introducing a genetically modified corn seed into the U.S. corn supply. Stueve Siegel partner Patrick Stueve was appointed by the Court as one of four attorneys to lead the multi-district litigation cases filed against Syngenta.

Click here to view all orders and filings for this litigation.

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Frequently Asked Questions about the Syngenta Corn Litigation

What is the Litigation About?

Syngenta sells two genetically modified corn varieties, Viptera and Duracade, that are approved in the United States, but have not been approved in all export markets, including China.  In 2013 China, an important export market for U.S. corn, tested some U.S. corn shipments and discovered the shipments included the genetically-modified (MIR 162 GMO) trait found in Viptera and Duracade.  China immediately began rejecting U.S. corn shipments, which continues to this day.

I grew Syngenta's Viptera or Duracade.  Do I have a claim against Syngenta?

You might have a claim against Syngenta.   However, this lawsuit only involves farmers who did not purchase or plant Syngenta's Viptera or Duracade.  If you grew Viptera or Duracade and would like to investigate whether you have a claim, you are welcome to contact us to discuss.

If I did not grow Viptera or Duracade why do I have a claim against Syngenta?

The loss of China, a significant U.S. corn export market, has decreased demand for U.S. corn around the world.  This decreased demand caused a decrease in the market price for all U.S. corn, regardless of its variety.  This lawsuit seeks to compensate U.S. farmers who did not grow Viptera or Duracade for market losses they suffered due to Syngenta’s failure to take proper steps to ensure its Viptera corn was channeled so that it would not end up in the part of the U.S. corn supply that was exported.

Do I need to file a lawsuit?

Our firm is committed to pursuing your case through whatever method best suits your case, whether it is an individual action or a class action.  Our firm can represent you in whatever method best suits this litigation.  Statutes of limitation can affect your ability to bring an action, right now some of those limitations periods are frozen, but that can change in the future.  If we represent you we will advise you about your claim and make sure your claim is protected. 

Contact Us

If you are interested in more information on the Syngenta corn litigation, please contact us at 1.800.714.0360.

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